Monday, June 23, 2008

Where've I Been?? I know I should receive horrible lashings because of my failure to post for the last few weeks......NO EXCUSES.......I just haven't done it.

Yes, we could blame it on being busy, family, work, scandals, gas prices, meat shortages, the Tomato recall, the Midwest Floods, depression over Obama's inevitable election victory, the Midwest Tornadoes, Too many deaths in the past few weeks, New weight loss program, Guests to tend to, Onstart of shingles, Adjusting to Organic Living, Transmission issues on the car, People saying one thing and doing another, Church splits, or even having fun with my Jonas Brothers/ Zac Efron looking hairdo.....................

...................But we won't do that.

Suffice it to say, I have missed my blogging and I am back
(at least for a couple of weeks - then, who knows what will happen)

This clip was sent to me by one of my choir members, Jeff. He said he was surfin' through some of the sites I have listed to your right and found this Louie Giglio snippet. Some of you might have already seen this
At first I didn't know where it was going....thank the Lord I stayed and watched the rest.

Huh? Huh? Cool , eh?
Let me know what you thought


MhRiosVera said...

That was GREAT!!!!! What more is there to say.

Darlena J. Trigleth said...

That was so good. I've been really learning about what the word says about unity in the church and how peace is a bond. The gospel of peace is that that Jesus is our peace. The glue that holds us and makes us one with the Father. What binds us to make us whole. Thanks Greg