Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm a Little Disturbed

Check this story out everyone!!!!

The woman you see is Jaymes Foster, the sister of one of the all-time great producers, David Foster. He has produced Celine Dion, Josh Grobin, Andrea Bocelli and Barbra Streisand (to name a few).

The guy is Clay Aiken...the 2002 runner-up to American Idol.

Jaymes has been a producer for Clay over the last few years and now she's gonna produce something else for him

Jaymes Foster has been inseminated with Clay's sperm...... she is gonna have the child in August and Clay will be an active Dad in the child's life.

What is this all about???
Birds of a Feather or Flight of the Bumblebee??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is considered normal in the liberal entertainment world. To create life without intimacy... Whats the sense? It would seem their love for each other exists only in the "entertainment" world in which they live. How sad...