Sunday, May 18, 2008

Never Give Up!!!!

Another production is over and there's a tremendous amount of relief in my spirit and body.

The shows were great; well performed and well received. I believe it was produced the best of any of the 15 productions we've done in the last 5 years. The set, sound, lights, and camera work was the best its ever been. The acting was very good and the singing was right on point. The reviews from all who attended were very good. A lot of lives were changed, renewed, touched and inspired.

You might assume that this is expected and it just happens.....But there's always an amazing moment in any production that never fails to appear - the moment I quit.

It never fails that at some moment in the 3 months of preparation of a major production, I want to quit (or sometimes I do quit just to start up again). This can run the gambit of casting issues, band issues, costume issues, set design issues, choir issues, sound issues, lighting issues, budget issues, personality name it

I guess, in my mind, I don't think its worth it. Nothing is worth this or, maybe, I'm not the one who should be doing this. The hardest part is needing an instant answer for the hundreds of questions that hit me from all departments at the same time; the decisions that need to be made in a split second; the pain of seeing the clock run out and the rehearsals being quickly dissolved. Frustration sets in after all the rehearsals leading up to the performances because, my priorities are not being fulfilled.......I haven't figured out a way to be realistic with my expectations for the rehearsals.....setting me up for a big disappointment at the end of the night.

So really, I'm setting myself up to fail; thus getting more stressed and eventually quitting.

It seems that the 'stress' begins to manifest into my body. In the last year, I started to get hives on my arms and legs the week of the productions.. ..strange. I have no warning that these are coming; they just appear. In my mind, I'm not that stressed, but my body tells me different.

The Hope:
One of the best things about me is my ability to visualize the future. I can work, prepare, and live in projects now, because I KNOW what the final outcome will be. I can see faces and hear stories years before they happen. In a way, I believe it is a sub-category of a prophetic gift. Certainly, not in the conventional sense of "gift of prophecy"; but it is true that, in some situations, I have seen the END RESULTS long before I even have BEGUN the writing process....before it even hits the paper.

I say all this because when I allow the Enemy to get into my head (first mistake); when I see failure and hurt and pain and it makes me lose it or give up - God reminds me of the 'original' vision. He gives me another dose of vision of what WILL happen at the end of the project. I see the faces and hear the stories. It makes me start again, with a fresh approach. Failure is not an option because I KNOW the end result is good... I know, it sounds weird, But this is my passage right now.

I guess I want to just encourage you; whatever you are facing never give up.....there IS AN END RESULT THAT IS GOOD. Ask God to help you visualize the end of the journey......its okay to ask questions and work out the problems - just don't give up; don't quit. Walk through those fiend walls, because your joy awaits on the other side.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I understand the pressure of wanting to quit. This new endeavor of school has had me at this point so many times. I have been there when my evil professor was on his rant of how stupid we were and how we would never make it. I have had to keep my mind renewed and keep the hope and dream that I first had. You are annointed for the tasks set before you. There has never been anyone who could take the choir to the level you have take us. I am so thankful you entered our lives and are leading us.
Like you I will continue to have the moments of quitting or seeing failure in my face. I will not give up on the dreams that God has placed inside of me, and neither will you.
Thank you for all that you do.
