Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stress is not good


So the week of any opening is stressful....but I thought this years opening of my musical The EXCHANGE, would not be as hard as its been............Its funny that producing a piece of work about "renewing your mind" and "turning everything over to God" is causing me to react the opposite of the message.

It will all be okay.....but there are some moments in this process that really make you want to lose it.

I was at one of those moments tonight. It seemed nothing was going right. My actors were not feeling it, My singers were not in the mood, My band was eating Chinese food in the band pit, I was losing the clock....time running out...I still hadn't covered half of what I needed to get done.....my musicians, singers, and actors were trying their best; however, just losing focus...........focus is desperately needed in these moments....... I could feel my blood start to boil. I mean...what do you do when you start to feel like your gonna lose it in front of 100 people on a microphone.........

It was just at that time my keyboard player walked around my keyboard and accidently bumped into my mic stand......the microphone stand swung out causing the microphone to bash into my teeth


But the show must go on and I couldn't scream into the microphone........what was even greater is the pain in my mouth made me forget how stressed I was about the musical

We can not let stress ruin a moment in our lives.
Who cares if the musical isn't the best?
......THE PROBLEM is....


As Dr. T always says....... "MAY GOD HELP US"


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