Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Final Thoughts of 2008

It's is fascinating what is happening in the world.

WARS.......Rumors of Wars......Famines......Natural Disasters......One world money market..... Recession......Diseases..............all sounding familiar? (Matthew 24)

I was reading I Timothy 4 today....and it struck me how the closer I think I'm getting to God, the further away, I really am.............Without correction, I would be without hope.....so here I am.... someone who has been in ministry for Christ for almost 35 years........and I know very little.

We are all treading on a minuscule, paper-thin blade of reaping God's blessings or losing it all.

I know this isn't the happiest blog for the end of the year......but its a sobering thought

I trust you all have a blessed New Year.........May God pour Wisdom all over you.
Take a moment and read 1 Timothy chapter 4 today........i won't print the whole chapter but I'll close this year's last blog with the final 3 verses in this timely chapter.

"...Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecies spoken to you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right, and God will save you and those who hear you."
(1 Tim. 4:14-16)

Love to you all

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Future of Church Music

OK......I know I've been slipping on my blog this FALL.....I need someone to do my other job...so I can do this full-time..........HA!!!

Enjoy this.....its one of the funniest things I've seen in a while

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My First Experience in the ER as a Parent

So my darling daughter, Adalyn, with exuberance abounding during my choir rehearsal last night, tripped and fell flat on her face. Her nose began to bleed and then swell. (approx. 9:50pm)

AT 10:10pm, I was made aware of this and we (Angie and I) began the proceedings of going to the emergency room for the first time in this area.....and for the first time as parents.

This is not a pleasant experience for anyone at any age. You are filled with the questions of unknowing. I mean.....did she break her nose?...... If she broke her nose, is there anything that can be done anyways?......if we don't take her to the ER will we regret it?....If we do take her, will it be a waste of time and money?........and by the way, where is the hospital?

We figure out the closest hospital was about a 20 minute drive.....so we go to find it. Addy is being brave...not crying.....but not enjoying keeping ice on her 'boo-boo' (10:25pm)

We arrive at the hospital.....I'm excited because there's not a lot of activity....we're gonna get treated quickly...this is making my decision to go to the hospital easier to accept. We park.... unload everyone out of the car seats....walk to the door.......the doors don't open.......THEY'RE CLOSED?????!!!!!!! What kind of a hospital closes?

Have I really been so out of touch with hospitals that I didn't know they have working hours?

There is a sign that says in between the hours of 10pm and 7am go to [this other hospital]..so we proceed to the other hospital (10:35pm)

We arrive and check in with the receptionist.....she's nice and gives Addy a beautiful green bracelet that has her name and info on it.....Addy want to take it off immediately....but after we tell her only the doctor can take it off...she calms a bit.....and so the waiting begins..... (10:50pm)

At 11:20pm, we are called into triage where we tell the nurse whats wrong and vitals are taken. I am realizing that Addy hates her temperature, blood pressure, & pulse taken....fun times!!

.........and so we wait......and wait........and wait

Finally we are called to go to the doctor......YIPPEE.........(12:50am)

Nurse comes into our holding room (1:10am)

At this point, I must tell you that I didn't realize their are no walled-in rooms in the ER...so, you get to hear everyone's problems, sounds, pains, etc... It was a packed night....so we had our elderly, our druggies who overdosed, our kids who couldn't breathe, and people with existing illnesses who were screaming out in pain..........all while trying to calm two little girls and two frightened parents

FINALLY..... the doctor comes in at 1:45am......He says it is a good sign she is not bleeding and doesn't think it is broken; however, we can not tell and we need a CAT Scan....DA-DA-DA-DUM! (that was Beethoven's 5th for anyone interested)

I send Angie and Macayla away ( back to the car ) and I begin to wait for this CAT scan.....Addy passes out ( PTL ) (2am)

At 2:35am, we go to the other side of the hospital for the xray and we wait to get all magnetized up

At this point, I must say it is not a pleasant feeling seeing your child next to the CAT Scan machine....even though I knew this wasn't life threatening....its just not a good feeling.
(and YES.....I know its illegal to take pics inside these buildings...but I just had to -
the big hole was about to chomp down on my little girl)

Well, I wished I had the next few minutes recorded...because I'm telling you...CRAZINESS!!!

I had to move Addy from one bed to the other....she woke up and FREAKED out..... She went ballistic....I tried to calm her.....she wasn't giving in......the doctor was an old craggedly man who was towards the end of his shift ( I guess).....he was...."Look, sir....you're gonna have to calm her down".......and I was....... "I can't"........he then said....."You're gonna have to hold her"

So the doctor put the magnetic vest on me.......yes they do make one in a 'very' large size. So I'm all suited up....holding Addy's hand...telling her we are going on a treasure hunt....blah blah blah.. none of it is working

I think I've calmed her down a bit and then the doctor puts foam in between her head and the headrest.....then STRAPS HER HEAD DOWN..........yeah right.......Addy is going ape at this point...........The doctor is yelling at me....ADDY is crying.....I finally get her calm and the table begins to move into the hole............Addy looks up and sees the RED LASER light going to her face and jumps out of that bed....SCREAMING as loud as she can.....

The doctor throws up his hands .....gives me a ...."I can't do this.....we're going to have to sedate her".............SEDATE HER???? EXCUSE ME????? I don't think so

We go back to the ER.......(2:50am).......the [original] doctor tells me that we can sedate her but she seems to be okay because there is no bleeding and she can still breather...so he wants us to keep an eye on her and then he discharges us at 3:05am.

We get home at 3:45am and Addy is asleep..................so was it a good idea to go to the ER? Hindsight no...because we waited 5 hours for them to say "keep an eye on her". But as "inexperienced emergency situation" parents, we would've worried all night if we didn't have her looked at........

I must say, I don't see how anyone could be in the medical profession. Thank God for them. I just don't see how they do it...........

A special shout out to my brave wife Angie, and little girl, Macayla, who were troopers through the whole night.

To my sweety, Adalyn.....I know one of your favorite movies is Hunchback from Notre Dame, but we definitely don't want you looking like Quasimodo....so we're gonna get all better real soon.

My final thoughts about this experience is that the emergency room had no resemblance of Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Hope or even ER......WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This Reminds Me Of Many Auditions

Really all I can say is.... "Lord Bless Him"
For those of my TRUTH alum compatriots.....enjoy!!

What would you say to him if he just auditioned to be in your group?
How do you encourage and critique at the same time?
So are the days of our lives.........

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SONSEED - You gotta see this group

This is to cheer you up today!!! Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2008

What An Amazing 24 Hours?

Just as I was coming down from last night's truly inspired, historic, mesmerizing, awe-capturing, show within a show within another show;
a new jolt of adrenaline hit me around noon today.

Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, accepted the VP spot for the Republican Presidential ticket.

Now, first, about last night.....to all my fellow conservatives, it IS possible to be inspired by concepts without agreeing to the philosophies.

I use the word "INSPIRED" as being - a moment something makes you feel, believe, or act differently than you had before.
This does not mean you have to change you own standards or beliefs; it just means that you were compelled to reach a little deeper in your own thoughts and decisions.

You can be inspired by a car and be compelled to buy it......this does not mean you have to agree with everything that car designer, manufacturer, or distributor believes in.
You can walk into a clothing store.....see an outfit that "speaks to you".....decide you want to buy it.......that, to me, is being inspired.....even when you know the designer has different beliefs than you; did that prevent the inspiration?

To those blessed enough to have been to Walt Disney World, were you not inspired? I mean, come on....the happiest place on earth.........but it is widely reported they have special days for those whom you do not agree with spiritually or philosophically.....does that stop the sheer awesomeness of you trip?

This happens in music all the time......there are great musicians throughout time, who have written / performed inspiring music, who have differing views as myself; however, it does not stop the heart from beating faster or the spiritual uplifting gifts that come with that hearing.

Well, last night was inspired! Knowing this country's history and the sins our people have committed on one another throughout the last 400 years, last night was miraculous. I have not heard an orator as moving, with so much pressure put upon them, as I did with Barak Obama when he accepted his nomination last night

.Senator Barack Obama

And the production was AMAZING......that staging in the little time they had.....it was a wonderful achievement.

But don't get me wrong, I still despise most things he and his party stand for. It PAINS me that we do not have a speaker like that in my party. The gift and talent of oratory is not to be discarded as something 'anyone' can do........Not just ANYONE could've have done that last night.

So, yes, I was inspired and a little saddened as I went to sleep last night........I mean its over... there is nothing we can do to top that next week....

And then this morning, the political storm clouds grew darker..... a name, Sarah Palin, entered my vocabulary. Who is she? How do you say her name? She was picked as VP candidate? What?


I mean its no big deal that I don't know who she is.....but NOBODY knew who she was (outside of Alaska)........this could not be happening.........we are DOOMED!!!!

Then I heard her speak.....I saw her family......I learned that she was a mom of 5 (including a soldier going to Iraq and a 5 month baby boy with Downs Syndrome)..Today was her 20th wedding anniversary and she's a fighter for the RIGHT causes. She is a STRONG Christian who goes to an Independent Bible Church

Throughout the day, I got more and more pumped up......this is a breath of fresh air...this is making a true change in our government politics as we know it.

Here is an article that TIME online has put out titled
"10 Things You Should Know About Sarah Palin"

It was a surprise to all politicos, pundits, media, and people in general.........all the newscasts are talking about this being the biggest gamble in America Politics history...just imagine if McCain can pull this one off.......................OH MY!!!!

Its been an AMAZING 24 hours of politics in the US of A.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pastor Hunter prayed the Closing prayer of DNC

Pastor Joel Hunter has a special church at Northland Church in the Orlando, FL area.
I have wonderful friends that have gone and continue to serve there.
He gave the closing prayer for the DNC tonight and at first I was not a happy man.

How could he endorse Barak? What is he doing?
It reminded me when Sandi Patti and Phil Driscoll performed for the Clinton inaugurals.
I was furious!

My judgmental persona was in fine form..........
Look, the bottom line is we either will work together or be left in the back of the room.

Barak will no doubt be the next president (unless some act of God intervenes)...... I won't turn away from an invite to the White House....If he becomes president, He will be our leader.
We must pray for him ....and for those in position.....pray to him!

Congratulations Pastor Hunter for praying to the world tonight!!!

ps. I particularly like the .."IN JESUS NAME"....real loud at the end of the prayer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Result of Thinking Outside the Box

This is a very cool live video by some church (I'll have to find out where they are)
I love to see creative, fresh ideas to old concepts
Enjoy!....Thanks for sending this to me Paula

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why Fake An Illness or a Healing?


Evidently Hillsong and PlanetShakers singer, Mike Gugielmucci, the pastor of Edge Church (an affiliate with the Australian Assemblies of God - now called the Australian Christian Churches - traveled around telling everyone he had an aggressive form of cancer....sang with an oxygen tube in his nose... wrote the hit song Healer (on the latest Hillsong recording)...and milked the healing of his cancer............and now its revealed he NEVER had cancer..... a fact his wife didn't know about.

The church has asked him to report to the police and they will be paying back those who were defrauded monetarily (which is another conversation - I mean if you give to God, it will NOT return void)


People we got to put our face before God (DAILY).....the world and its deceptions are capturing too many believers......

Here's the article.............


If anyone knows Mike personally and can share anymore about this story...please let me know

Here's another article
about Mike's wife staying with him


Friday, August 22, 2008

Another HAWKINS moment - on church

I wanted to treat you to another Tim Hawkins moment.
I gotta see him live!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unity is grossly IMPORTANT; Is it IMPOSSIBLE to do?

While I was in Alabama, I was blessed to hear Dr. Pete Sanchez give a devotion. What struck me was a comment about unity. He said (and I paraphrase), "...when you are working towards unity, watch out....cause its ugly. It's messy....dirty, hard, almost impossible"

Now, I didn't say it the right way and may have used some different adjectives...but it was the idea that seeking unity is ugly - because it is difficult to do.

I came home and my first week back presented a 'not-so-easy' week of challenges - All about unity and unifying our worship teams (we have 7).

Strange as it may seem, I didn't think about Dr. Sanchez's words until after the brouhaha was over......but he was so right......The process of unity is UGLY.

The only way you can be and live in unity is laying yourself down for others - and lets face it, our world is not breeding those kind of people anymore.

The art of selfless living
- someone needs to write that book.......it will totally bomb at first until the world collapses and then figures out it needs one another.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How to (NOT) Be in the Worship Band

A great spoof on the struggles of a worship band leader.
I loved the kicks (@2:45) and also
the homage to SNL's legendary "more cowbell" sketch.
Very Funny....enjoy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tim Hawkins - "Cletus, Take the Reel"

Once again, this guy cracks me up....I want him to come to my church. He has to be one of the funniest comedians in the world of family comedy.

Here he is doing a spoof on Carrie Underwood's smash hit "Jesus, Take the Wheel"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Praise the Lord - Victoria is a free woman

Victoria Osteen

I was worried about Mrs. Lakewood....... I mean, really....would she treat a flight attendant that way? Pushing her up against the wall?.....I would've LOVED to have seen that happen...but this sounded too much like a little money-hungry-blackmail.....

The Lord prevailed.....and Victoria is a free woman

Trial Begins for Pastor's Wife


30 LASHES....I know

Okay.... I hear ya........ I've been away for a very long time. Give me 30 lashes.... I deserve them

I mean....this is my first blog in August.....what????

I must say that it has been a very busy month.
We had a wonderful Inspiring Excellence Conference filled with great speakers and music. KUDOS to all involved.
2008 Inspiring Excellence CDs

Then I went away for a little R & R with the family. We went to Branson to see Mom and Dad and my sis Starla. My grandparents George and Jeanetta were there, as well.....looking wonderful and being the best they've ever been in their 80's. I love them so much.

Then, I went sown to Mobile, AL. to the University of Mobile to work with one of my favorite groups. THE VOICES OF MOBILE.

They were every bit the most wonderful group to work with this time. I love their music and the way they are performing it. Keep it up guys.

Anyway, I back to it now. SO MUCH GOING ON!!!!!!!!
Let me know how your summer has gone.......because it is just about gone!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Estelle Getty dies at 84

This woman was hilarious as Sophia Patrillo on the '80's sitcom, The Golden Girls. I loved to watch that show and laugh at the older grandmother role.
Here is an article about Estelle I found that gives a little more info on some other things she did.

Emmy winner beloved for 'Golden Girls' role

By Duane Byrge

July 22, 2008, 01:52 PM ET

Estelle Getty, who played meddling mother Sophia on "The Golden Girls," died Tuesday morning. She was 84.

Getty, who suffered from advanced dementia, died around 5:30 a.m. Tuesday at her Hollywood Boulevard home, said her son, Carl Gettleman of Santa Monica.

Getty won an Emmy Award in 1988 for her portrayal of the feisty octogenarian. For her role as Sophia, Getty also notched a Golden Globe Award in 1986. She also received an American Comedy Award.

Getty co-starred on "Golden Girls" from 1985-92 and reprised the tart-tongued Sophia on four other TV series: "The Golden Palace," "Nurses," "Empty Nest" and "Blossom." Getty was two months younger than Arthur, but the illusion of her age was maintained through makeup, costume and her deportment.

In similar vein of take-no-prisoners elder, Getty played Sylvester Stallone's domineering mother, Tutti Bomowski, in "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot." Generically, it was a battling-buddy movie whose comic thrust was the diminutive Getty's bossing around her L.A. lawman son.

Getty was 47 when she got her first significant role in an off-Broadway musical: She gained immediate prominence when she played in the Pulitzer Prize-winning play "Torch Song Trilogy," playing Harvey Fierstein's acidic mother.

She played Grandma Estelle Little in "Stuart Little" in 1999, and more recently played Sister Roseanne" in "The Million Dollar Kid."

She also appeared on "Hollywood Squares" in 1998.

Born as Estelle Scher on July 25, 1923, in New York City, she acted at an early age, performing in the "borscht belt" circuit. In 1923, she married Arthur Gettleman and raised their two children in Queens. While married, she worked as a secretary in a law office, but continue to act in small theater in New York.

She won her first movie part in 1978 in the teen comedy "Team Mates: Young Gangs of Wildwood High." She also garnered small parts in "Tootsie" and "Mask," in which she played the mother of Cher's character. The same year, she played Barry Manilow's mother in the TV movie "Copacabana."

Her movie career accelerated when she played the mannequin's (Kim Cattrall) mother in "Mannequin" (1987).

She retired in 2000 after revealing she was suffering from Parkinson's disease. Two years later, she announced she was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Getty's other films credits include "Deadly Force," "The Sissy Duckling," "A Match Made in Heaven" and "The Golden Fleece," all filmed in the '90s.

Getty wrote an autobiography, "If I Knew Then What I Know Now ... So What?" In it, she summarized: "I've played mothers to heroes and mothers to zeroes."

Getty made numerous TV guest star appearances, including: "Cagney & Lacey," "Hotel," "Newhart," "The Crew," "The John Larroquette Show," "The Rosie O'Donnell Show," "Touched by an Angel," "Mad About You" and "Ladies Man."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

If Corporations Took Over Our Churches

OKAY.....I've never heard of this guy....
Tim Hawkins...

but we need more people like him.

Thanks Nathan for sharing this with me.....I love it

Friday, July 11, 2008

If Your Worship Service Were a Televised Sporting Event

All those involved in a worship service or
all those who love sports will have a good laugh at this.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's Up With That???


I first want to say to my Spanish born, bred, speaking, living, WONDERFUL friends.....
this is not an indictment on you or your culture......
but I just can't believe the (probable) next president of the USA is saying that we need to "make sure our kids can speak Spanish".

Instead of encouraging proper grammar, vocabulary skills, better writing techniques for the language that should be an official language of this country -ENGLISH; They want us to make sure that other countries can take over more of our jobs, economic stability, and over-all esteem.

He might as well have said......"We are not a strong enough nation to endure the well-being of our children without them needing to go to other countries for work"

or maybe have said...... "Our future businesses will be owned and operated by people from other countries who will bring their own languages, hire only people who can speak their languages, and eventually do business with only those who speak their languages"

In the spiritual realm, its the same thing as saying.... "We need to make sure our children learn other religions......open their mind to other faiths and show more tolerance to other people's lack of standards. Instead of relying and promoting and believing in our faith, let's start looking elsewhere"

Now, I am all for studying other languages, traveling to other countries, enjoying other cultures of food, dance, & entertainment. I have taken Spanish and German in college....I have sung in Italian, Latin, German, French, Russian and Spanish....My favorite food is MEXICAN......My favorite country (other than USA) is Austria....
My favorite city (other than NYC) is Hong Kong.

It is a joy to submerge yourself in other environments.....but COME ON!!!! This is a major US political figure speaking at a campaign rally on the topic of immigration......and instead of pumping up your own country's educational vitality by encouraging MORE ENGLISH learning and speaking, you say "we need to make sure our kids speak Spanish"????

What's up with that???

I leave you with 2 thoughts:

1). If all the other countries have official languages, why is it so politically incorrect for us to have the language we have been speaking for over 200 years be our official language.


2). Before we make a national policy plea to ensure our children learn other languages, let's teach them how to spell, write, and read English first. We have a society that doesn't know how to even speak well; Universities running rampant with students who've never learned how to write a decent paper; & All ages who don't know how to read


Sunday, July 6, 2008

What a Battle!!!

I just witnessed the greatest tennis match I have ever seen.
The legendary John McEnroe said it was the greatest game ever played in the open era.

The King of Grass - Roger Federer Player Photo
Player PhotoThe King of Clay - Rafael Nadal

They've met the last 3 years in the Wimbledon Final with Federer beating Nadal all 3 times. In fact, Federer has tied Bjorn Borg's record 5 straight Wimbledon Finals and today he was primed to overtake Borg's record. Nadal has won the last 4 French Open Championships and no man since Borg has won the French and Wimbledon back to back; so Nadal was ready to finally beat Federer and match Borg's record.

Photo Titled Bjorn Borg

The drama was set, ready to sweep everyone away.....but nobody could've predicted the majesty and sheer exuberance these two men displayed today.

Nadal won the first 2 sets 6 -4......it seemed Federer was down;
but he came back in a 3rd set tiebreaker........then a 4th set tiebreaker.....
now it was all even.......two rain delays.....
4 hrs of playing and now into the 5th and final set..............
it was even up to 7 - 8 in Nadal's favor......

Finally, with the day turning into night.........after the longest championship match ever played, NADAL overtook the King and became the rightful champion.

Rafael Nadal is the first player to win the French Open and Wimbledon in the same year since Bjorn Borg in 1980.

It was so amazing....and I was rooting for Federer and still loved it....that's how amazing it was.

If a measly little tennis match can give me these kind of emotions; think about how that last Battle of Armageddon is going to be....... i mean, really.........all the drama, spectacle, pain, heartbreak, excitement, victory.............and we know who's already going to win it, but it will be great.

This makes me want to watch the final battle of Lord of the Rings - Return of the King......that was an awesome battle put on film.
I wonder who's gonna film the Battle of Armageddon?......and are we gonna watch the replays over and over in heaven......all sitting up there admiring the warrior skills of each other?
Actually we'll be in the NEW EARTH....so we'll have new, cool plasma screens all over the place.

I can't wait......even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

For the Worship Band

Okay............... this is great stuff about how to play in a worship band and what to look for, how to listen, what to listen for, click tracks, etc.....

All of you guys and gals that are in a worship band.......please take some time and watch these clips


You get a whole seminar session with this blog...........excellent!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Have Seen The Future

Ok folks.....scary as it may be....O think I have seen what awaits for the future cuisine world.

I first saw it on FOX or MSNBC..or maybe it was CNN.....anyway, there was an interview I saw and later did a little bit of research.

The Entomological Cuisine

or otherwise known as

Now, come on.....I have watched every Survivor season....I enjoy the Discovery channel... I have been in third world countries......This cannot be the future!!!

However much I pray, something in me says that through the Apocalypse Era (happening real soon-btw) the insects will become a major source of food intake.

Evidently, it has the greatest amount of protein with low carbs (although some are extremely fatty). If you dare to watch this National Geographic special, it shows a man who has a restaurant in CALIFORNIA serving entomological food (INSECTS!)

I'm interested if anyone reading this blog has eaten insects (legitimately)....no one needs to comment on how you hung your head out of a speeding car window and got a bug in your mouth...I mean, WE'VE ALL DONE THAT!..........YUCK!!!!!

Here is a website from the University of Kentucky - Department of Agriculture. This MOST disturbing section is in Discussion NO. 3....it lists what bugs are in our PRESENT DAY...NORMAL BUYING....Food Items!!!!!!!!


Get your Entomology Cookbooks Folks............times are a-changin'

Monday, June 23, 2008

Where've I Been??

Ok...so I know I should receive horrible lashings because of my failure to post for the last few weeks......NO EXCUSES.......I just haven't done it.

Yes, we could blame it on being busy, family, work, scandals, gas prices, meat shortages, the Tomato recall, the Midwest Floods, depression over Obama's inevitable election victory, the Midwest Tornadoes, Too many deaths in the past few weeks, New weight loss program, Guests to tend to, Onstart of shingles, Adjusting to Organic Living, Transmission issues on the car, People saying one thing and doing another, Church splits, or even having fun with my Jonas Brothers/ Zac Efron looking hairdo.....................

...................But we won't do that.

Suffice it to say, I have missed my blogging and I am back
(at least for a couple of weeks - then, who knows what will happen)

This clip was sent to me by one of my choir members, Jeff. He said he was surfin' through some of the sites I have listed to your right and found this Louie Giglio snippet. Some of you might have already seen this
At first I didn't know where it was going....thank the Lord I stayed and watched the rest.

Huh? Huh? Cool , eh?
Let me know what you thought

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Peek into Nashville Recording Studio

I found this on YOU TUBE...... its a peek into what happens in a recording studio for your singers. These singers are the very best. Lisa Cochran is the soprano (hair up) ..... she's one of my all-time favs........ this recording is for Travis Cottrell's upcoming Christmas CD. Brown Bannister is Producing.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Maria Chapman Funeral Service - News Story

I know this is a little late...but its touching......a bit of the funeral service for Maria Chapman, daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman. Matt Redman is leading the worship


Friday, June 6, 2008

I Laugh at This Guy Everytime!!!!!!!!

I Know You May Have Seen this, but I laugh everytime
( not in a good way)

Oh MY.......... This is what we face here in Chicago, folks.......the mentality of these people in the church (the clapping and snorts ).......and then, the guy gets up and says, "Thank God for the message and the messenger"??? What a way to share the Gospel...... EMERGING CHURCHES; we're in a heap of trouble


Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm a Little Disturbed

Check this story out everyone!!!!

The woman you see is Jaymes Foster, the sister of one of the all-time great producers, David Foster. He has produced Celine Dion, Josh Grobin, Andrea Bocelli and Barbra Streisand (to name a few).

The guy is Clay Aiken...the 2002 runner-up to American Idol.

Jaymes has been a producer for Clay over the last few years and now she's gonna produce something else for him

Jaymes Foster has been inseminated with Clay's sperm...... she is gonna have the child in August and Clay will be an active Dad in the child's life.

What is this all about???
Birds of a Feather or Flight of the Bumblebee??

Friday, May 30, 2008

Harvey Korman - The Funny will never end

Harvey Korman

Harvey Korman
(1937 - 2008)

One of the funniest actors I ever saw. Watching him and Tim Conway crack up Carol Burnett on her TV show in the 70's will forever live on in reruns and DVD sales.

His turn in Blazing Saddles was also too much.

Cheers to you, Harvey!


Special Plug of Thanks

I wanted to thank Leroy Hicks, Jr. for allowing me to use the photo of myself
in my Profiles section.

Leroy is a gifted photographer (as well as one of my main worship leaders at FHC).

If you live in the Chicago or the western Indiana areas and need a photographer for ANY occasion, then contact LEROY at his business: Portraits By Leroy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Congratulations Anthony!!!!

(PICTURED - The Thompsons - Dr. T, Anthony, Chantelle, Linda)

My Pastor's son, Anthony, got married this week in Australia.
God is good!

Congrads Anthony & Chantelle

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day - Favorite War Movies

In honor of all those who have laid down their lives for this country,
I offer my Top Ten War Movies

War movies are one of my least favorite genres of film; however, as I age, I grow more appreciative of those who've gone before; and particularly, those who sacrificed, so that I could live in freedom.
These films helped me understand that a bit better:

  • PLATOON (Vietnam)
I was a child during Vietnam and didn't understand what it was all about....why were there so many different views about it, etc... When I saw Platoon the first time, I was a little shell-shocked. I couldn't talk about it for a few days. It made such an emotional impact on me. I still have trouble with contemplating the depression built into that movie - its palpable. The use of Barber's ADAGIO FOR STRINGS in the middle of this movie changed my life. Musically, I was never the same after I heard that.
  • Glory (The Civil War)


My favorite war movie. The story about the first black regiment in the Civil War. The story, music, and Denzel Washington's "tear" is the greatest "war" moment on film.
  • Dances With Wolves (The Civil War)
Dances with Wolves - Extended Cut (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)

What the new Europeans did to the Native Americans when they came over the pond, was deplorable, unnecessary and wrong......I didn't get that until I saw this movie
  • John Adams - Miniseries (Revolutionary War, French/English War)
John Adams (HBO Miniseries)

A truly great piece of film making. This fortified my appreciation for our Fore Fathers and those who fought The Revolutionary War
  • Casualties of War ( Vietnam)
Casualties of War (Unrated Extended Cut)
This is the true story of a situation that happened in the Vietnam War. Its heartbreaking and powerful. Very gruesome and adult. The music is some of the best ever put on screen;
haunting and poignant. This is Michael J. Fox's best acting ever.

  • Lawrence of Arabia (WWI)

Okay, I'm breaking the rules.....this is not about Americans, but the story of T.E. Lawrence, the eccentric British officer who united the desert tribes of Arabia against the Turks during World War I. I didn't know anything about this man or this part of World History....it is fascinating. Probably the greatest technical movie on this list....you will not see better camera work anywhere.
  • Letters from Iwo Jima / Flags of Our Fathers (WWII)
Flags of Our Fathers (Widescreen Edition)

So this is a little against the rules, but I have to place these two Clint Eastwood directed movies together as one. They tell the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima during WWII from two different perspectives. Flags from the American point of view and Letters from Japan's point of view.
  • Saving Private Ryan (WWII)
Saving Private Ryan (Special Limited Edition)

A very cool opening. Probably the overall best opening 30 minutes of any war movie. You actually feel like your on the battlefield. Bloody and Gross; but Awesome!
  • Three Kings (The Gulf War)
Funny and a bit shocking. I didn't know this stuff happened in the Gulf War.......so many things that get hidden in our society and government. God Help Us!
  • No End in Sight (Iraq)
This is a little cheat because its not a movie; but its an enlightening documentary on The War on Iraq. Don't let the Bush bashing keep you from seeing this doc....its not that bad. I honestly thought to myself, "Where have I been the last 5 years?" after I watched this documentary

Movies I wished I could place on the list but the subject matter is not about Americans:

Honorable Mentions:
  • Patton
  • The Longest Day
  • The Patriot
  • Gone With The Wind
  • Apocalypse Now
  • The Deer Hunter
  • Tora Tora Tora

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Major Week of Sadness

I took the fam away the last two days for some wonderful time together. Away from computer, blogs, and even phone (although the latter was not by choice....it just so happens I jumped into the swimming pool with my cell phone in my pocket...yes it died)......

So many things happened the last few days:

  • Little David Archuleta lost......to my surprise and, honestly, joy. I thought the little teeny boppers were gonna rule the phone and text lines voting for the tyke........but D.C. won out.
David Cook Thought Archuleta Would Win

  • John McCain rejected both John Hagee and Rod Parsley's endorsements.......... the scary thing about this for me is not only how politicians are so fickle when it comes to "who" is supporting them and what those endorsers can bring (as far as votes); but I am seeing how the church is hiding behind the political correctness that is destroying the whole belief system......I mean all Christians (or those who live by the Word of God) should believe what Hagee and Parsley are preaching but where are the Joel Osteens and Rick Warrens..........they are hiding folks.....or just trying to stay out of the fray.... but isn't that the same thing?
McCain, Parsley

  • And, finally, Steven Curtis Chapman's 5 year old adoptive child, Maria's funeral services were held today. In case you hadn't heard, Maria was accidentally struck by an SUV one of her brothers were driving this week. She died at the hospital later.



I can't imagine this happening.....yet it does everyday.
Life is so precious and so fleeting.

How will we live it the fullest and most promising?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Battle of the Davids

David is my favorite name.

Maybe its because:
  • my dad's name is David;
  • my middle name is David;
  • if God blesses Angie and I with a boy - his name will be David Tyler
  • Except for Jesus, King David is my favorite figure in the Bible
  • My college piano teacher's name was David
  • Michaelangelo's DAVID is the greatest human figure sculpture ever made
or maybe its because:
  • the name conjures up "underdog" and "king" all at the same time
  • the name means "beloved"
  • it simply looks symmetric with its two "d's" next to a vowel, with a spread "v" in the middle
Whatever it is, I love the name.

Tonight marks the first "Battle of the Davids" that I know of......and its on American Idol.
David Archuleta, 17, and David Cook, 25, battle for the Idol crown.

I believe David Archuleta will win due to his unbelievable(and extremely young) fan base. David Cook is more well-seasoned and is far more original; however, I feel if Cook were to win, it would hinder him in sales and acclaim.

David Cook is labeled a "rocker", but if he wins Idol, he will not be taken as serious in the Rock world. The lesson learned by DAUGHTREY (former Idol contestant who placed 4th in 2006) is you don't have to win ( and, in fact maybe better you don't win) to be a major success. Daughtry is the highest selling rock act today...with over 4 million CD's sold to date.

No matter what, both David's will be a major success and I will enjoy seeing what they do next.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Never Give Up!!!!

Another production is over and there's a tremendous amount of relief in my spirit and body.

The shows were great; well performed and well received. I believe it was produced the best of any of the 15 productions we've done in the last 5 years. The set, sound, lights, and camera work was the best its ever been. The acting was very good and the singing was right on point. The reviews from all who attended were very good. A lot of lives were changed, renewed, touched and inspired.

You might assume that this is expected and it just happens.....But there's always an amazing moment in any production that never fails to appear - the moment I quit.

It never fails that at some moment in the 3 months of preparation of a major production, I want to quit (or sometimes I do quit just to start up again). This can run the gambit of casting issues, band issues, costume issues, set design issues, choir issues, sound issues, lighting issues, budget issues, personality issues.....you name it

I guess, in my mind, I don't think its worth it. Nothing is worth this or, maybe, I'm not the one who should be doing this. The hardest part is needing an instant answer for the hundreds of questions that hit me from all departments at the same time; the decisions that need to be made in a split second; the pain of seeing the clock run out and the rehearsals being quickly dissolved. Frustration sets in after all the rehearsals leading up to the performances because, my priorities are not being fulfilled.......I haven't figured out a way to be realistic with my expectations for the rehearsals.....setting me up for a big disappointment at the end of the night.

So really, I'm setting myself up to fail; thus getting more stressed and eventually quitting.

It seems that the 'stress' begins to manifest into my body. In the last year, I started to get hives on my arms and legs the week of the productions.. ..strange. I have no warning that these are coming; they just appear. In my mind, I'm not that stressed, but my body tells me different.

The Hope:
One of the best things about me is my ability to visualize the future. I can work, prepare, and live in projects now, because I KNOW what the final outcome will be. I can see faces and hear stories years before they happen. In a way, I believe it is a sub-category of a prophetic gift. Certainly, not in the conventional sense of "gift of prophecy"; but it is true that, in some situations, I have seen the END RESULTS long before I even have BEGUN the writing process....before it even hits the paper.

I say all this because when I allow the Enemy to get into my head (first mistake); when I see failure and hurt and pain and it makes me lose it or give up - God reminds me of the 'original' vision. He gives me another dose of vision of what WILL happen at the end of the project. I see the faces and hear the stories. It makes me start again, with a fresh approach. Failure is not an option because I KNOW the end result is good... I know, it sounds weird, But this is my passage right now.

I guess I want to just encourage you; whatever you are facing never give up.....there IS AN END RESULT THAT IS GOOD. Ask God to help you visualize the end of the journey......its okay to ask questions and work out the problems - just don't give up; don't quit. Walk through those fiend walls, because your joy awaits on the other side.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

Another preacher in a Sex Scandal......who would've guessed?


I've been thrilled to have ministered at Prestonwood ( lovingly called the church that Mary Kay built). Its not the first scandal that has rocked this mega-church and it probably won't be the last. They have and WILL ENDURE.

Their music program is second to none......they can do ANYTHING........I've always been impressed by this church

Sorry they are going through this tough time.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Opening Night Jitters

The Exchange - DVD - Drama

Tonight marks our 3rd opening night performance of The Exchange.

I have been blessed over and again how God has used this musical to bring people closer to Him. You never know how a piece of work, art, music or storytelling will effect anyone until you're able to hear back from those who were touched by it.

This is one of the most artistic, yet spirit-led things I've ever done and every year it never fails to challenge me. There hasn't been a performance that a tear hasn't fallen down my cherub cheek......strange.

Anyway, I thought I would write something to calm the opening night jitters.

  • Will the show be any good?
  • Will anyone show up?
  • Will the actors remember their lines?
  • Will all the technical aspects of the show go off without a hitch?
  • Will the haze cause the fire alarms to go off?
Its all out of my hands now...........but what I do know is ...this work is all about the Word of God and THAT in itself will never fail.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dottie is "Beholding" Right Now

One of the all-time great songwriters was killed on her tour bus this past Saturday. DOTTIE RAMBO and 7 others on her ministry team were traveling from Missouri to Texas in the middle of the night, when violent storms and wind knocked the bus into an embankment.

She will be greatly missed. Dottie is one of the ones I wish I could've met and worked with. She had written over 2500 songs many of which have been recorded by singers such as Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, and Porter Wagoner, as well as nearly every gospel singer. Her music crossed all genres of music. From southern gospel through contemporary by artists from dc Talk to Lulu Roman.

Songs she will be remembered for are:
  • He Looked Beyond My Fault (and Saw My Need)
  • I Go to the Rock
  • Behold the Lamb
  • I Will Glory in the Cross
  • His Name is a Strong Tower
  • If That Isn't Love
AND HER MOST HONORED...........We Shall Behold Him.

We Shall Behold Him launched the career of our most treasured Christian Female singer, Sandi Patty. Sandi wrote in her blog about Dottie's passing this past week. I will leave this blog with Sandi's thoughts, as well as a wonderful performance of that once-in-a-lifetime song. Sandi singing with Dottie looking on......powerful


May 14, 2008

I was stunned with the news a couple of days ago that Dottie Rambo had passed away. She was on a tour bus and there was a crash and well…she didn't survive. What tragic news—you never know what a day can bring. I get on those tour busses all the time and you just never think about them crashing. But, alas, they do.

I was also thinking about being sad because Dottie had died, and then the most humorous image came to my mind of Dottie standing next to the Lord and saying to me, "Sandi, are you kidding me? This is what I have waited for all my life. I am beholding Him right now. Don't be sad for me—rejoice with me." I could just picture Dottie and Vestel Goodman teaching God how to write and sing a really good song. And then teaching God how to sing in the Bill Gaither homecoming choir.

I got the biggest smile on my face as I pictured Dottie saying to the Lord, "you are the one about whom I wrote all my songs".

When I recorded "We Shall Behold Him", I will never forget meeting Dottie for the first time and her kind words to me. She thanked me for "taking her baby and dressing her up so pretty." An artist can never have a better compliment than for the writer to be pleased.

Her "home-going " service will be this coming Monday, May 18 in Nashville, TN. It will be quite a celebration and I have the honor of singing one of her songs for it.

I will miss Dottie, the world will miss Dottie, but Dottie is truly in Heaven and she is Beholding, face to face, our Savior and Lord.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stress is not good


So the week of any opening is stressful....but I thought this years opening of my musical The EXCHANGE, would not be as hard as its been............Its funny that producing a piece of work about "renewing your mind" and "turning everything over to God" is causing me to react the opposite of the message.

It will all be okay.....but there are some moments in this process that really make you want to lose it.

I was at one of those moments tonight. It seemed nothing was going right. My actors were not feeling it, My singers were not in the mood, My band was eating Chinese food in the band pit, I was losing the clock....time running out...I still hadn't covered half of what I needed to get done.....my musicians, singers, and actors were trying their best; however, just losing focus...........focus is desperately needed in these moments....... I could feel my blood start to boil. I mean...what do you do when you start to feel like your gonna lose it in front of 100 people on a microphone.........

It was just at that time my keyboard player walked around my keyboard and accidently bumped into my mic stand......the microphone stand swung out causing the microphone to bash into my teeth


But the show must go on and I couldn't scream into the microphone........what was even greater is the pain in my mouth made me forget how stressed I was about the musical

We can not let stress ruin a moment in our lives.
Who cares if the musical isn't the best?
......THE PROBLEM is....


As Dr. T always says....... "MAY GOD HELP US"
