Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unity is grossly IMPORTANT; Is it IMPOSSIBLE to do?

While I was in Alabama, I was blessed to hear Dr. Pete Sanchez give a devotion. What struck me was a comment about unity. He said (and I paraphrase), "...when you are working towards unity, watch out....cause its ugly. It's messy....dirty, hard, almost impossible"

Now, I didn't say it the right way and may have used some different adjectives...but it was the idea that seeking unity is ugly - because it is difficult to do.

I came home and my first week back presented a 'not-so-easy' week of challenges - All about unity and unifying our worship teams (we have 7).

Strange as it may seem, I didn't think about Dr. Sanchez's words until after the brouhaha was over......but he was so right......The process of unity is UGLY.

The only way you can be and live in unity is laying yourself down for others - and lets face it, our world is not breeding those kind of people anymore.

The art of selfless living
- someone needs to write that will totally bomb at first until the world collapses and then figures out it needs one another.

1 comment:

MhRiosVera said...

Words to live by Greg, Thank you! I share your view.