In honor of all those who have laid down their lives for this country,
I offer my Top Ten War Movies
War movies are one of my least favorite genres of film; however, as I age, I grow more appreciative of those who've gone before; and particularly, those who sacrificed, so that I could live in freedom.
These films helped me understand that a bit better:
I was a child during Vietnam and didn't understand what it was all about....why were there so many different views about it, etc... When I saw
Platoon the first time, I was a little shell-shocked. I couldn't talk about it for a few days. It made such an emotional impact on me. I still have trouble with contemplating the depression built into that movie - its palpable. The use of Barber's
ADAGIO FOR STRINGS in the middle of this movie changed my life. Musically, I was never the same after I heard that.
My favorite war movie. The story about the first black regiment in the Civil War. The story, music, and Denzel Washington's "tear" is the greatest "war" moment on film.
- Dances With Wolves (The Civil War)

What the new Europeans did to the Native Americans when they came over the pond, was deplorable, unnecessary and wrong......I didn't get that until I saw this movie
- John Adams - Miniseries (Revolutionary War, French/English War)

A truly great piece of film making. This fortified my appreciation for our Fore Fathers and those who fought The Revolutionary War
- Casualties of War ( Vietnam)
This is the true story of a situation that happened in the Vietnam War. Its heartbreaking and powerful. Very gruesome and adult. The music is some of the best ever put on screen;
haunting and poignant. This is Michael J. Fox's best acting ever. Okay, I'm breaking the rules.....this is not about Americans, but the story of T.E. Lawrence, the eccentric British officer who united the desert tribes of Arabia against the Turks during World War I. I didn't know anything about this man or this part of World is fascinating. Probably the greatest technical movie on this will not see better camera work anywhere.
- Letters from Iwo Jima / Flags of Our Fathers (WWII)

So this is a little against the rules, but I have to place these two Clint Eastwood directed movies together as one. They tell the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima during WWII from two different perspectives.
Flags from the American point of view and
Letters from Japan's point of view.
- Saving Private Ryan (WWII)

A very cool opening. Probably the overall best opening 30 minutes of any war movie. You actually feel like your on the battlefield. Bloody and Gross; but Awesome!
- Three Kings (The Gulf War)
Funny and a bit shocking. I didn't know this stuff happened in the Gulf many things that get hidden in our society and government. God Help Us!
This is a little cheat because its not a movie; but its an enlightening documentary on
The War on Iraq. Don't let the Bush bashing keep you from seeing this doc....its not that bad. I honestly thought to myself, "Where have I been the last 5 years?" after I watched this documentary
Movies I wished I could place on the list but the subject matter is not about Americans:
Honorable Mentions:
- Patton
- The Longest Day
- The Patriot
- Gone With The Wind
- Apocalypse Now
- The Deer Hunter
- Tora Tora Tora