Just as I was coming down from last night's truly inspired, historic, mesmerizing, awe-capturing, show within a show within another show;
a new jolt of adrenaline hit me around noon today.
a new jolt of adrenaline hit me around noon today.
Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, accepted the VP spot for the Republican Presidential ticket.
Now, first, about last night.....to all my fellow conservatives, it IS possible to be inspired by concepts without agreeing to the philosophies.
I use the word "INSPIRED" as being - a moment something makes you feel, believe, or act differently than you had before.
This does not mean you have to change you own standards or beliefs; it just means that you were compelled to reach a little deeper in your own thoughts and decisions.
You can be inspired by a car and be compelled to buy it......this does not mean you have to agree with everything that car designer, manufacturer, or distributor believes in.
You can walk into a clothing store.....see an outfit that "speaks to you".....decide you want to buy it.......that, to me, is being inspired.....even when you know the designer has different beliefs than you; did that prevent the inspiration?
This happens in music all the time......there are great musicians throughout time, who have written / performed inspiring music, who have differing views as myself; however, it does not stop the heart from beating faster or the spiritual uplifting gifts that come with that hearing.
Well, last night was inspired! Knowing this country's history and the sins our people have committed on one another throughout the last 400 years, last night was miraculous. I have not heard an orator as moving, with so much pressure put upon them, as I did with Barak Obama when he accepted his nomination last night
And the production was AMAZING......that staging in the little time they had.....it was a wonderful achievement.
But don't get me wrong, I still despise most things he and his party stand for. It PAINS me that we do not have a speaker like that in my party. The gift and talent of oratory is not to be discarded as something 'anyone' can do........Not just ANYONE could've have done that last night.
So, yes, I was inspired and a little saddened as I went to sleep last night........I mean its over... there is nothing we can do to top that next week....
And then this morning, the political storm clouds grew darker..... a name, Sarah Palin, entered my vocabulary. Who is she? How do you say her name? She was picked as VP candidate? What?
I mean its no big deal that I don't know who she is.....but NOBODY knew who she was (outside of Alaska)........this could not be happening.........we are DOOMED!!!!
Then I heard her speak.....I saw her family......I learned that she was a mom of 5 (including a soldier going to Iraq and a 5 month baby boy with Downs Syndrome)..Today was her 20th wedding anniversary and she's a fighter for the RIGHT causes. She is a STRONG Christian who goes to an Independent Bible Church
Throughout the day, I got more and more pumped up......this is a breath of fresh air...this is making a true change in our government politics as we know it.
Here is an article that TIME online has put out titled
"10 Things You Should Know About Sarah Palin"
It was a surprise to all politicos, pundits, media, and people in general.........all the newscasts are talking about this being the biggest gamble in America Politics history...just imagine if McCain can pull this one off.......................OH MY!!!!
Its been an AMAZING 24 hours of politics in the US of A.