Saturday, May 30, 2009
A New Day
I left my home of 6 1/2 years today........
this is the first home for my wife and I as a couple.....
this was the home our girls were born in.....(literally).......
this was the home I discovered who I was in Christ....
this was the home where I beat down many demons...
this was the home I discovered there were still more awaiting me...
this was the home I understood that "All things were possible"
this was the home I found out there was NOT an endless amount of possibilities
this was the home I fully realized that we are ALL just flawed one gets to bypass this one
this was the home that I found out broken promises were hidden with an over abundant smiling face - and some need to feel like a hero............... or a "saviour"
this was the home where I lost myself and rediscovered him again (a couple of times)
this was the home I made some extrordinary friends for life
this was a home where love dwelt..................
YES.....I'm thankful for having lived and breathed in this home...... this home I left today
Oh......the Joy that awaits my new home!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Talented guy - Corey Vidal - John Williams Tribute
I really don't know how Corey did this....but it is a beautiful, hilarious, amazing thing to behold
I'm not sure how long this will last due to copyrights...but enjoy it while you can
I'm not sure how long this will last due to copyrights...but enjoy it while you can
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
January Blessings
The month of January 2009 has been a time of thanksgiving, reflection
and a renewed wonder in the awesomeness of God.
(and NO....there is nothing in this about the innaugural)
In the christian community, there is so much being debated about God's providence and the proposal that it really doesn't exist....meaning it is only OUR choices that determine OUR fate. I sorta believe in this philosophy because scripture says.... " whatsoever a man sows, he shall also reap..."; however, does this deny the fact that God does look after His children and opens doors that no one else could open? Isn't that what God's providence is?and a renewed wonder in the awesomeness of God.
(and NO....there is nothing in this about the innaugural)
There are 3 birthdays in January that are very special.
My father, David just celebrated his 62nd birthday on January 9th. He has been the strongest most faithful man I've ever known. Religiosity and all it's minions have tried to destroy my father for over 25 years.....but he is so strong in the Lord. He continues to fight off the powers of hell, even though today it may not be behind a pulpit. He is a faithful provider for his family and works so hard to maintain normalcy in a very sub-normal world. I am so proud of my Dad.

Then there is my grandmother, Jeanetta Turner, who turned 82 on January 27th. Words cannot begin to describe ro capture what my grandparents have meant to me and my family my whole life. They have taught me what diligence, support, gratitude, loveand work-ethic is all about. I will forever try to live up to their example and standard; unfortunately I don't think I will ever get to that level......but it sure is worth trying. Today, Jeanetta is as vibrant as I remember....her secret is hanging with the younger folks.......whatever it works.

Finally, in between these auspisous events, my sister gave birth to her first child, SOPHIA. Born on January 22, 7.4. pounds and 20 inches.....I know my sister Starla and her husband Mike are beyond thrilled, as well as all of us immediate family. It's been a tough couple of years for Starla, but I see how God has been right there for's my proof that angels are watching over us. I don't care what anyone says..........either there are angels watching or God is doing it or some other-dimensional being is doing it.......I choose to believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all His angels

2009 is a transition year for me and my family.....and while its painful.....there is also a wonderful thing that happens when you get to act on your faith. We teach, talk, and preach about faith; but how joyful it is to really embrace the moments in your life where you MUST ACT on your faith.
The beauty is that I am seeing how God's been working it all out long before I knew anything about, come on...........isn't that providence?
Let me be perfectly clear, as of right now, I don't know what, when, where, who, or how anything is going to change in my life.......but I do know that transition is in effect and no matter what takes place, God is making it happen.
I choose joy
I choose love
I choose to be happy
I choose to leave the rest to God.........cast it out, BABY!
The beauty is that I am seeing how God's been working it all out long before I knew anything about, come on...........isn't that providence?
Let me be perfectly clear, as of right now, I don't know what, when, where, who, or how anything is going to change in my life.......but I do know that transition is in effect and no matter what takes place, God is making it happen.
I choose joy
I choose love
I choose to be happy
I choose to leave the rest to God.........cast it out, BABY!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I am amazed at the grace of God more and more each day.
This new year has presented immediate challenges that were not every aspect of my inner circle is changing.
Where did this come from?
Why all of the sudden?
Why EVERYTHING at the same time?
Well....isn't that the way God is?........Clean sweep......
I don't know what will happen in the future but .....MAN.... I'm excited!!
It can only be a good thing...........because when you've placed you're life in God's hands....He will lead you to His appropriate spot.......You've just got to be faithful to Him......Be kind to your brothers and sisters and family of man............Always attend to God's is the only things that will not return void.
God Bless's gonna be an awesome ride.......
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Final Thoughts of 2008
It's is fascinating what is happening in the world.
WARS.......Rumors of Wars......Famines......Natural Disasters......One world money market..... Recession......Diseases..............all sounding familiar? (Matthew 24)
I was reading I Timothy 4 today....and it struck me how the closer I think I'm getting to God, the further away, I really am.............Without correction, I would be without here I am.... someone who has been in ministry for Christ for almost 35 years........and I know very little.
We are all treading on a minuscule, paper-thin blade of reaping God's blessings or losing it all.
I know this isn't the happiest blog for the end of the year......but its a sobering thought
I trust you all have a blessed New Year.........May God pour Wisdom all over you.
Take a moment and read 1 Timothy chapter 4 today........i won't print the whole chapter but I'll close this year's last blog with the final 3 verses in this timely chapter.
"...Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecies spoken to you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right, and God will save you and those who hear you."
WARS.......Rumors of Wars......Famines......Natural Disasters......One world money market..... Recession......Diseases..............all sounding familiar? (Matthew 24)
I was reading I Timothy 4 today....and it struck me how the closer I think I'm getting to God, the further away, I really am.............Without correction, I would be without here I am.... someone who has been in ministry for Christ for almost 35 years........and I know very little.
We are all treading on a minuscule, paper-thin blade of reaping God's blessings or losing it all.
I know this isn't the happiest blog for the end of the year......but its a sobering thought
I trust you all have a blessed New Year.........May God pour Wisdom all over you.
Take a moment and read 1 Timothy chapter 4 today........i won't print the whole chapter but I'll close this year's last blog with the final 3 verses in this timely chapter.
"...Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecies spoken to you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right, and God will save you and those who hear you."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Future of Church Music
OK......I know I've been slipping on my blog this FALL.....I need someone to do my other I can do this full-time..........HA!!!
Enjoy this.....its one of the funniest things I've seen in a while
Enjoy this.....its one of the funniest things I've seen in a while
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My First Experience in the ER as a Parent

So my darling daughter, Adalyn, with exuberance abounding during my choir rehearsal last night, tripped and fell flat on her face. Her nose began to bleed and then swell. (approx. 9:50pm)
AT 10:10pm, I was made aware of this and we (Angie and I) began the proceedings of going to the emergency room for the first time in this area.....and for the first time as parents.
This is not a pleasant experience for anyone at any age. You are filled with the questions of unknowing. I mean.....did she break her nose?...... If she broke her nose, is there anything that can be done anyways?......if we don't take her to the ER will we regret it?....If we do take her, will it be a waste of time and money?........and by the way, where is the hospital?
We figure out the closest hospital was about a 20 minute we go to find it. Addy is being brave...not crying.....but not enjoying keeping ice on her 'boo-boo' (10:25pm)
We arrive at the hospital.....I'm excited because there's not a lot of activity....we're gonna get treated quickly...this is making my decision to go to the hospital easier to accept. We park.... unload everyone out of the car seats....walk to the door.......the doors don't open.......THEY'RE CLOSED?????!!!!!!! What kind of a hospital closes?
Have I really been so out of touch with hospitals that I didn't know they have working hours?
There is a sign that says in between the hours of 10pm and 7am go to [this other hospital] we proceed to the other hospital (10:35pm)
We arrive and check in with the receptionist.....she's nice and gives Addy a beautiful green bracelet that has her name and info on it.....Addy want to take it off immediately....but after we tell her only the doctor can take it off...she calms a bit.....and so the waiting begins..... (10:50pm)
At 11:20pm, we are called into triage where we tell the nurse whats wrong and vitals are taken. I am realizing that Addy hates her temperature, blood pressure, & pulse times!!
.........and so we wait......and wait........and wait
Finally we are called to go to the doctor......YIPPEE.........(12:50am)
Nurse comes into our holding room (1:10am)
At this point, I must tell you that I didn't realize their are no walled-in rooms in the, you get to hear everyone's problems, sounds, pains, etc... It was a packed we had our elderly, our druggies who overdosed, our kids who couldn't breathe, and people with existing illnesses who were screaming out in pain..........all while trying to calm two little girls and two frightened parents
FINALLY..... the doctor comes in at 1:45am......He says it is a good sign she is not bleeding and doesn't think it is broken; however, we can not tell and we need a CAT Scan....DA-DA-DA-DUM! (that was Beethoven's 5th for anyone interested)
I send Angie and Macayla away ( back to the car ) and I begin to wait for this CAT scan.....Addy passes out ( PTL ) (2am)
At 2:35am, we go to the other side of the hospital for the xray and we wait to get all magnetized up
At this point, I must say it is not a pleasant feeling seeing your child next to the CAT Scan machine....even though I knew this wasn't life threatening....its just not a good feeling.
(and YES.....I know its illegal to take pics inside these buildings...but I just had to -
the big hole was about to chomp down on my little girl)
Well, I wished I had the next few minutes recorded...because I'm telling you...CRAZINESS!!!
I had to move Addy from one bed to the other....she woke up and FREAKED out..... She went ballistic....I tried to calm her.....she wasn't giving in......the doctor was an old craggedly man who was towards the end of his shift ( I guess).....he was...."Look,'re gonna have to calm her down".......and I was....... "I can't"........he then said....."You're gonna have to hold her"
So the doctor put the magnetic vest on me.......yes they do make one in a 'very' large size. So I'm all suited up....holding Addy's hand...telling her we are going on a treasure hunt....blah blah blah.. none of it is working
I think I've calmed her down a bit and then the doctor puts foam in between her head and the headrest.....then STRAPS HER HEAD DOWN..........yeah right.......Addy is going ape at this point...........The doctor is yelling at me....ADDY is crying.....I finally get her calm and the table begins to move into the hole............Addy looks up and sees the RED LASER light going to her face and jumps out of that bed....SCREAMING as loud as she can.....
The doctor throws up his hands me a ...."I can't do this.....we're going to have to sedate her".............SEDATE HER???? EXCUSE ME????? I don't think so
We go back to the ER.......(2:50am).......the [original] doctor tells me that we can sedate her but she seems to be okay because there is no bleeding and she can still he wants us to keep an eye on her and then he discharges us at 3:05am.
We get home at 3:45am and Addy is was it a good idea to go to the ER? Hindsight no...because we waited 5 hours for them to say "keep an eye on her". But as "inexperienced emergency situation" parents, we would've worried all night if we didn't have her looked at........
I must say, I don't see how anyone could be in the medical profession. Thank God for them. I just don't see how they do it...........
A special shout out to my brave wife Angie, and little girl, Macayla, who were troopers through the whole night.
To my sweety, Adalyn.....I know one of your favorite movies is Hunchback from Notre Dame, but we definitely don't want you looking like we're gonna get all better real soon.
My final thoughts about this experience is that the emergency room had no resemblance of Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Hope or even ER......WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?
the big hole was about to chomp down on my little girl)
Well, I wished I had the next few minutes recorded...because I'm telling you...CRAZINESS!!!
I had to move Addy from one bed to the other....she woke up and FREAKED out..... She went ballistic....I tried to calm her.....she wasn't giving in......the doctor was an old craggedly man who was towards the end of his shift ( I guess).....he was...."Look,'re gonna have to calm her down".......and I was....... "I can't"........he then said....."You're gonna have to hold her"
So the doctor put the magnetic vest on me.......yes they do make one in a 'very' large size. So I'm all suited up....holding Addy's hand...telling her we are going on a treasure hunt....blah blah blah.. none of it is working
I think I've calmed her down a bit and then the doctor puts foam in between her head and the headrest.....then STRAPS HER HEAD DOWN..........yeah right.......Addy is going ape at this point...........The doctor is yelling at me....ADDY is crying.....I finally get her calm and the table begins to move into the hole............Addy looks up and sees the RED LASER light going to her face and jumps out of that bed....SCREAMING as loud as she can.....
The doctor throws up his hands me a ...."I can't do this.....we're going to have to sedate her".............SEDATE HER???? EXCUSE ME????? I don't think so
We go back to the ER.......(2:50am).......the [original] doctor tells me that we can sedate her but she seems to be okay because there is no bleeding and she can still he wants us to keep an eye on her and then he discharges us at 3:05am.
We get home at 3:45am and Addy is was it a good idea to go to the ER? Hindsight no...because we waited 5 hours for them to say "keep an eye on her". But as "inexperienced emergency situation" parents, we would've worried all night if we didn't have her looked at........
I must say, I don't see how anyone could be in the medical profession. Thank God for them. I just don't see how they do it...........
A special shout out to my brave wife Angie, and little girl, Macayla, who were troopers through the whole night.
To my sweety, Adalyn.....I know one of your favorite movies is Hunchback from Notre Dame, but we definitely don't want you looking like we're gonna get all better real soon.
My final thoughts about this experience is that the emergency room had no resemblance of Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Hope or even ER......WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?
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